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Star Mirage, 175g, Innova, Mid-Range

Star Mirage, 175g, Innova, Mid-Range

SKU: 186
$25.00 Regular Price
$15.00Sale Price
Introducing the Innova Star Mirage, a lightweight and versatile disc golf mid-range designed for precision and control. Weighing in at 175g, this disc features a 5/4/-3/0 flight rating, making it ideal for players of all skill levels. What sets this disc apart is its unique dye job, courtesy of Reidiculous Concepts. With a stunning "Hearts in a jar" stencil and a vibrant combination of red, orange, and yellow cell dye, this Mirage is as eye-catching as it is reliable on the course. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, the Star Mirage is a game-changing addition to any disc golfer's arsenal.

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